Going back to College.....sort of.
Well, I decided to grab the ol bull by the horns and see about taking a class at the local community college that would teach me how to build my own website. I thought I was going to have to pay big bux for an online course but I had a pleasant surprise.....CBC, Columbia Basin College as a service to the community has signed up with a website called ed2go.....ed2go.com starting december 9th I will be attending classes on web design for 6 weeks with an actual instructor and the whole shebang and get this....it only cost me 92 bux. I left the cbc college website to see if I could register at ed2go without going through the college. Because I didnt want to wait untill december 9th and yes I could register and I almost did....untill I realized that it was an extra 50 dollars to do it outside of the college. So back to CBC's website I went and registered for my internet course that hopefully will turn me into a passable webmaster. ed2go has litterally hundreds of courses from begining keyboarding"typing" to Speed Reading in Spanish. You should really check them out if you feel like going back to college without all the B.S. ie( i didnt even have to go to cbc to register I did it all online in about 3 minutes!!!) Here is the link to CBC's ed2go programhttp://www.ed2go.com/columbia Also keep in mind that the ed2go website had a long list of colleges that they are affiliated with so check out thier site to see if your local college is on it!!!! http://www.ed2go.com....Peace Highwaym 02-21-10 I didnt finish this course!! I learned a bit about html though. My main complaint with it (Ed2go), was that they dont give you any kind of "Text Book" to keep when the class is over. also to use as a study guide while attending. " Jumping back and forth on your computer to check on your answers to quiz questions was tedious" You have to do it all online and if you want to brush up later you cant. highwaym
Highwayman Online. Healthy trucker food: http://www.healthtrucker.comTrucker, Commercial Diver, Bartender, Wandering Street Musician, You name it Ive done it. I have been trucking since 96, I am currently a Vagabond Trucker hauling cars around the Pacific Northwest. Click to set custom
November 2018