November 23rd, 2018
Shipping Team,
Good Morning November 23 2018 Today in 1963 the BBC broadcasts the first episode of An Unearthly Child staring William Hartnell, the first story from the first series Dr Who. Which is now the longest running science fiction drama. It's the birthday of singer composer Alan Paul (1949), founding member of vocal group The Manhattan Transfer. Writer of the song Twilight Zone/ Twilight Zone. On such a great date with what shipping challenges may we assist You? All referrals are accepted with gratitude. Thank You.
Veterans Thank You.
Trucking Japan Style (Dekotora)
Wow, very cool. Especially the night time section of this video. Cleaning out the garage
Found a cassette tape I'd made years ago from when I used to play on the streets. Sorry about the audio maybe when I get time and money I'll be able to make a better one. I have started drinking Holy Basil Tea aka Tulsi Tea it has a delicious slightly peppery taste and leaves me feeling uplifted! It is the perfect drink for breakfast and or before bed because it has no caffeine, You can order some from my website here! 18 delicious new Tulsi Teas - Order Today! If You are in the mood for a steak and some real good Coffee check out the "Buzz Inn Restaurant" right next to the Flying J Truckstop in Ellensberg. I Call their Coffee "GoldiLocks Coffee" because its not to cold not too hot its "Just Right" It is served in giant sized mugs that allow your nose to inhale the Excellent Coffee Aroma while you Chug its Coffee Goodness.
Highwayman Online. Healthy trucker food: http://www.healthtrucker.comTrucker, Commercial Diver, Bartender, Wandering Street Musician, You name it Ive done it. I have been trucking since 96, I am currently a Vagabond Trucker hauling cars around the Pacific Northwest. Click to set custom
November 2018